Premium services in Ireland

help and customer care desk

When you offer premium services in Ireland it’s good to know that you can rely on a partner to handle your customer care traffic.

More and more telecommunication providers offer micro payment mechanisms. The consumer orders services or products via the phone and pays via their phone bill. The Telecommunications provider functions as a bank.

Like in many other countries, the content on premium services in Ireland is provided by private companies. Instead of normal charge, there is an additional price to the normal price.

Charges for Phone calls, SMS texts or services directly from a web application appear on the telephone bill.

Type of premium services in Ireland

Traditionally, such services typically consist of voting activities, trivia games, in-game buys, TV competitions. This can be one-off or subscription based. The latter sometimes confuses the end user, since the payment is the result of a series of clicks on a mobile website.

The charge goes to the mobile and a few weeks later the bill arrives. In the meantime, the end user might have forgotten about the initial click.

Premium services in Ireland are regulated by a framework policed by the commission for Communications Regulation or ComReg. All parties on the market have to abide the Code of Practice. All services needs registering so that a consumer can easily find out which Content Provider is charging them.

Carrier Billing Desk in Ireland

If you have been using a generic contact centre to handle your customer care, you experienced high refund rates. Simply because these agents deal with multiple companies in different sectors. Jumping from a Volvo dealership location question to a complaint about a mobile Trivia. The caller screams ‘rip off’ and the agent offers the quick way out: a full refund.

Carrier Billing Desk offers standard and tailor-made solutions for Content Providers operating on the Irish market. We focus on this particular niche in the telecom market.

Our specialised Carrier Billing Desk agents only deal with questions and complaints regarding to premium services in Ireland.

Thanks to their specialization, the agents are capable of explaining these services in detail to your end user. They are trained to explain how the user got subscribed. If needed, we tell when and how much the end-user engaged with the premium service.

Our agents are also in the best position to talk about refunds. The latter because they are impartial and knowledgeable. Educating and negotiating with the complainants results in less costs and escalated ComReg complaints. Check this for more information on our working methodology.

Different countries = different customers

Contrary to the United Kingdom, more users of premium services in Ireland engage by phone. In the UK, users tend to email the service provider’s customer services department.

Our Carrier Billing Desk platform offers live help and email processing 24/7 or just during office hours. Calls and emails are guaranteed answered within the required time as per the Code of Practice.

The robust platform and the professionalism that Carrier Billing Desk has to offer, ensures that you never miss a call or email. You’ll get a call back and message service for after hours and the guarantee that all incoming enquiries are answered within the set timeframes.

Partnering up with Carrier Billing Desk to process your premium rate help desk has multiple advantages. We lower your costs, your refunds and the general number of escalated cases.